Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gold Beyond US$1,800 Level – What Do Jim Rogers, Gerald Celente, Marc Faber Say?

By MyLoansConsolidated:  Jim Rogers, investor and author, has always warned the masses that gold price is going to go up despite what other economists say that gold is currently in a bubble. He made it loud and clear that this is not a bubble. Gerald Celente, CEO of Trends Research,  has never trusted the US dollar and has suggested people invest in gold. Recently he even tells Russia Today that the US dollar is not even worth the paper it is written on. Marc Faber believes that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will continue doing the only thing that he knows best – printing more money. This will only drive the price of the yellow metal even higher and higher.
The past few days the world panicked following the Aug 2, US debt ceiling lift, Dow Jonesplunge and gold price increase. Jim Rogers believes if people keep panicking like this thanthe economy is for sure going to go down. “If we have more panic this week, then everything is going to go down, but you should probably step in and buy commodities. If they do collapse, with everything else I would prefer to buy agricultures. I said before if gold goes down for some reason or silver, then I might buy silver,” Rogers said. With the gold price being in a rally, Rogers is playing cautious about buying into it.
Meanwhile, Gerald Celente predicted this collapse accurately in his latest Trends Journal published on the 13th of June. He has always made it clear that the economic recovery that US media experts are so eagerly promoting is bogus. Celente also predicted that a global economic collapse was imminent. “The economy is on the threshold of calamity… another violent financial episode is looming,” he wrote. And he was right. The collapse is happening right now!  FULL STORY

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