Wednesday, August 12, 2009

15 Million Americans Are Out Of Work. So Why Is Our Government Still Bringing In 1.5 Million Foreign Workers A Year?

It doesn’t make sense. Fifteen million Americans can’t find a job and our government is still allowing 1.5 million foreign workers a year to legally enter this country and take American jobs. And that’s not counting the illegal workers taking jobs. With Americans losing their houses and struggling to put food on the table, how can we continue giving jobs away? Does anyone really believe there’s a labor shortage? And yes, Americans will do "those jobs."

One of the problems is that most Americans don’t realize their own government is giving their jobs away. The whole concept this could be happening in this horrible economy is counterintuitive. So, if you want to help, start talking to your friends about it. Talk to the media about it. Send emails. Spread the word. Tell everyone you know. And get fired up about it because it’s just not right. Start by watching the TV spots below, emailing them to your friends and taking legislative action. It’s up to all of us to stand up for the American worker now. Who knows, the job you save could be your own!

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