Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sit. Stay. Roll over. Beg: Voters' canine condition

All because we've become dogs. We roll over in submission for someone to scratch our bellies. We cower when we're smacked with a newspaper. We beg for treats. Our world implodes when our masters are angry with us.

Patrice Lewis combats transformation of citizens into dogs obeying government masters

We have lost the ability and, apparently, the interest in maintaining our independence. Cherished concepts such as personal liberty, individual responsibility, success through hard work, and other high and admirable standards are no longer desired. If this is truly the case, we are doomed as a nation

If Barack Obama gets in as president, I see one of two things happening.

1. America will sink into socialism so fast we won't know what hit us. Our constitutionally guaranteed rights will disappear, our taxes will skyrocket, and our lives will become straightjackets. We will accept this with submissive dog-like apathy and descend into a canine state of licking our master's hands. Or

2. America will sink into socialism so fast we won't know what hit us. Our constitutionally guaranteed rights will disappear, our taxes will skyrocket, and our lives will become straightjackets. But when things get bad enough, Americans will recall our roots. We will rise up and demand a return of limited government as put forth by the Founding Fathers.
Full Story.

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