Friday, February 20, 2009

Why Government want's to Eliminate 2 Amendment

[2nd Amendment]
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Jailed Browns remain defiant

New Hampshire Union Leader Staff

CONCORD – Unbowed after 16 months in prison, tax evaders Edward L. and Elaine A. Brown returned to federal court yesterday to face new, more serious charges stemming from their 10-month armed standoff with federal agent

"I thought ... today was here to release us. Now it's going 180 degrees in the other direction," a mustached and slightly balding Edward Brown said. He spent much of the 20-minute hearing disputing the legitimacy of the legal process which he said forced him to walk out of his 2007 trial.

"That's why this was a scam, sham, kangaroo court and should have been a mistrial from day one," Brown said.

"I went home in defense of my freedom, my property, my home and my wife," he added. FULL STORY.

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