Monday, January 11, 2010

Moyers: Wall Street riding a 'surging ocean of greed'

By Raw Story
Saturday, January 9th, 2010

Banks, bailouts and billions of dollars were center stage in the most recent episode of Bill Moyers Journal, in which the host interviewed two journalists to find out how things got so bad for Americans and so good for the country's biggest banks.

After an introduction about the bank CEOs getting holiday bonuses and riding a "surging ocean of greed," Moyers talked with Kevin Drum and David Corn of Mother Jones magazine, who published a series of stories about the "accountability deficit" of the financial industry. In an article titled "Too Big to Jail," the two investigated why no one has been held responsible for decisions that led to a economic meltdown. FULL STORY

Moyers talked with Kevin Drum and David Corn of Mother Jones magazine

Bill Moyers Essay on Greed

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